

Sihem Arfaoui Abidi is Assistant-Professor of English at the Higher Institute of Applied Studies of Tozeur, Gafsa University. She has a Ph.D. in American lit­er­a­ture from Faculty of Humanities of Sousse. She has pub­lished arti­cles on Kingston’s The Woman Warrior and China Men (Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2010), Gish Jen’s Mona in the Promised Land, Fae Myenne Ng’s Bone, Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club and The Kitchen God’s Wife (Interactions 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009)

Claudine Armand is Associate Professor in American lit­er­a­ture and civil­i­sa­tion at Nancy 2 University where she cur­rently teaches on American art and on the cor­re­spon­dences between painting and music. Her area of research is inter­dis­ci­plinary studies, namely the inter­ac­tion of text and image. She has been doing research mainly on twen­tieth cen­tury American artists who explore var­ious mediums and inves­ti­gate the links between visual art and verbal lan­guage. She is the author of an exhi­bi­tion cat­alog enti­tled Anne Ryan: col­lages (Museum of American Art in Giverny, Terra Foundations for the Arts, 2001) and of sev­eral arti­cles on modern and con­tem­po­rary artists.

Markus Arnold is PhD stu­dent in com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture (4th year) co-directed by the uni­ver­si­ties of Regensburg (Germany) and La Réunion (France). He is member of the lab­o­ra­tory LCF-UMR 8143 du CNRS [Languages, texts and com­mu­ni­ca­tion in fran­co­phone and creole spaces] of the University of La Réunion. His research inter­ests cover fran­co­phone post­colo­nial lit­er­a­tures and cul­tures, with a focus on those of the Indian Ocean. His cur­rent thesis exam­ines the lit­erary rep­re­sen­ta­tion of vio­lence end inter­cul­tur­ality in con­tem­po­rary anglo­phone and fran­co­phone lit­er­a­ture of Mauritius. He is also asso­ci­ated with an inter­na­tional research group of the AUF (Agence uni­ver­si­taire de la Francophonie) working on forms of vio­lence in the Indian Ocean.

Myriam Bellehigue is Senior Lecturer at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. She is the author of a thesis and sev­eral arti­cles on Elizabeth Bishop. She has worked on poetry and short fic­tion (Flannery O’Connor, Amit Chaudhuri), focusing on the the­matics and aes­thetics of exile.

Salhia Ben-Messahel is the author of Mind the Country: Tim Winton’s Fiction, the first book-length crit­ical study of one of Australia’s major authors. Her pub­li­ca­tions include the editing of Des fron­tières de l’inter­cul­tur­alité, with Presses du Septentrion, Charles de Gaulle University–Lille 3, and sev­eral arti­cles on Australia, place, and rep­re­sen­ta­tion. She is senior lec­turer of English at the Charles de Gaulle University–Lille 3.

Elisabeth Bouzonviller is asso­ciate pro­fessor at Jean Monnet University, St-Etienne, France, where she teaches American lit­er­a­ture and civ­i­liza­tion. She has pub­lished Francis Scott Fitzgerald, écrivain du déséquilibre in the French series by Belin called “Voix Américaines”. She is a member of the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society and of the edi­to­rial board of The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review where she reg­u­larly pub­lishes essays and reviews. She has con­tributed to the inter­na­tional col­lec­tion enti­tled A Distant Drummer: Foreign Perspectives on F. Scott Fitzgerald. She is cur­rently preparing the next inter­na­tional Fitzgerald con­fer­ence to be hosted in July 2011 in Lyon and is also working on a chapter for F. Scott Fitzgerald in Context to be pub­lished by Cambridge University Press. She has also written var­ious arti­cles on other American clas­sics and has recently focused her research on Native American fic­tion.

Marilyne Brun is cur­rently com­pleting a PhD in Australian studies at Université Toulouse-Le Mirail, France, and the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research inter­ests include the dis­cur­sive con­struc­tion of racism, dias­poric lit­er­a­tures, hybridity and lit­erary games. Her thesis focuses on an Australian writer, Brian Castro, with par­tic­ular emphasis on Castro’s use of hybridity. She has pub­lished on Brian Castro’s work and its recep­tion in Australia.

Simona Corso is lec­turer in English lit­er­a­ture at the Comparative Literature Department of the University of Rome – Roma Tre. Her research inter­ests include Eighteenth Century English lit­er­a­ture, Shakespeare, Postcolonial Studies and nar­ra­tology. Her pub­li­ca­tions include Postcolonial Shakespeare, edited by M. d’Amico and S. Corso (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura 2009), Letteratura e Antropologia, edited by M. Bonafin e S. Corso (Edizioni dell’Orso 2008), Automi, ter­mometri, fucili. L’immag­i­nario della macchina nel romanzo inglese e francese del Settecento (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura 2004) and arti­cles on Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, James Joyce, Derek Walcott, V.S. Naipaul and J.M. Coetzee. Her novel Capodanno al Tennis Club (Sellerio 2002) was awarded the Premio Mondello Opera Prima in 2003.

Sophie Dannenmüller is an art his­to­rian, inde­pen­dent curator, and member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). Her research focuses on California art after 1945, par­tic­u­larly the art of assem­blage, the Beat Generation, protest art in the 1960-1970s and the art of minority groups. She is fin­ishing her PhD dis­ser­ta­tion on the his­tory of assem­blage in California in the 20th-21st cen­tury (University Paris-I Sorbonne), a topic she was invited to lec­ture about at the California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles (2007). She col­lab­o­rated on the exhi­bi­tions “Los Angeles 1955-1985” and “Traces du Sacré” and their cat­a­logues (Centre Pompidou, respec­tively 2006 and 2008) and con­tributed to the ret­ro­spec­tive “Wal­lace Berman” at the Camden Arts Center, London (2009). She is cur­rently involved in the “Pacific Standard Time” pro­ject orga­nized by the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles. She has pub­lished essays and arti­cles on California art, notably in Les Cahiers du Mnam.

Anne Dromart is a Senior Lecturer in eigh­teenth cen­tury British Literature at the University of Lyon (Jean Moulin – Lyon 3) and a member of the LIRE research team. She wrote a book on Tristram Shandy with Atlande in 2007 and has pub­lished sev­eral papers on Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift and Henry Fielding. Her research themes are generic con­sid­er­a­tions, the indi­vidual and iden­tity.

Corinne Duboin is cur­rently Associate Professor of English at the University of La Réunion, France. Her research and teaching focus on African American lit­er­a­ture, Caribbean lit­er­a­ture, and post­colo­nial studies. She has also taught as vis­iting Assistant Professor at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. She has pub­lished a number of arti­cles in schol­arly jour­nals (CLA Journal, Mississippi Quarterly, Southern Literary Journal, Commonwealth, Annales du Monde Anglophone, Anglophonia, LISA, Sources, Alizés…) and co-edited a col­lec­tion of essays on the rep­re­sen­ta­tions of the city in West Indian fic­tion (La ville plurielle dans la fic­tion antil­laise anglo­phone: Images de l’inter­cul­turel, Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2000). She is also editor of Urban America in Black Women’s Fiction (Alizés 22, 2002), Dérives et déviances (Le Publieur, 2005), Les représen­ta­tions de la déviance (L’Harmattan, 2005), and co-editor of Récit, mémoire et his­toire (T&D 34, 2008).

Françoise Dupeyron-Lafay is Professor of 19th cen­tury British lit­er­a­ture in Paris Est Créteil University (UPEC, formerly known as Paris 12). She has pub­lished widely on main­stream Victorian novels (Dickens, and George Eliot), and on Gothic, fan­tastic and detec­tive works (Le Fanu, H. G. Wells, G. MacDonald, Wilkie Collins, A. Conan Doyle). She wrote Le Fantastique anglo-saxon (1998) and headed the CERLI (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Littératures de l’Imaginaire, a mul­ti­dis­ci­plinary research net­work on the fan­tastic and science-fic­tion) from 2000 to 2007, editing the pro­ceed­ings of four con­fer­ences: Le Livre et l’image dans les œuvres fan­tas­tiques et de science-fic­tion (2003), Détours et hybri­da­tions (2005), Les représen­ta­tions du corps. Figures et fan­tasmes (2006), and Poétiques de l’espace (2007). She trans­lated George MacDonald’s Lilith (1895) into French (2007). She is cur­rently writing a book on Thomas De Quincey’s auto­bi­o­graph­ical works, which will come out in the autumn 2010.

Blossom Ngum Fondo has a PhD in Commonwealth and Postcolonial Literature. She teaches Literatures in English and crit­ical theory at the Higher Teachers’ Training College Maroua, Cameroon. Her main areas of research are post­colo­nial theory and lit­er­a­tures, Caribbean, Anglo-African and African-American Literatures, espe­cially lit­er­a­ture pro­duced by female post­colo­nial writers. She has pub­lished and pre­sented papers at inter­na­tional con­fer­ences in these areas.

Jean Michel Ganteau is Professor of English Literature at the University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, France. He is the editor of the journal Études bri­tan­niques con­tem­po­raines. He is the author of two mono­graphs: David Lodge: le choix de l’éloquence (Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2001) and Peter Ackroyd et la musique du passé (Michel Houdiard, 2008). He is also the editor, with Christine Reynier, of three vol­umes of essays Impersonality and Emotion in Twentieth-Century British Literature (Publications Montpellier 3, 2005), Impersonality and Emotion in Twentieth-Century British Arts (PULM, 2007), and Autonomy and Commitment in Contemporary British Literature (PULM, 2010) and of two vol­umes of essays in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Susana Onega, The Ethical Component in Experimental British Fiction since the 1960s (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007) and Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British Literature (Rodopi, 2010, forth­coming). He has edited spe­cial issues of var­ious jour­nals. He has pub­lished some sixty arti­cles on con­tem­po­rary British fic­tion, with a spe­cial interest in the ethics of affects (as man­i­fest in such aes­thetic resur­gences and con­cre­tions as the baroque, kitsch, camp, melo­drama, romance).

Laure Gardelle is Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Université de Lyon, France). Her main research inter­ests are in pronom­inal gender in modern English and more gen­er­ally pro­nouns, ref­er­ence and anaphora. She has pub­lished var­ious arti­cles on those topics, mainly within utterer-cen­tred and cog­ni­tive frame­works.

Teresa Gibert is Professor of English at the Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED) in Madrid, Spain, where she is Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and teaches courses on American and Canadian lit­er­a­ture. She is the author of the book American Literature to 1900 and has con­tributed the chapter “‘Ghost Stories’: Fictions of History and Myth” to the volume The Cambridge History of Canadian Literature (CUP, 2009). Her pub­li­ca­tions include the fol­lowing essays on Thomas King: “Nar­ra­tive Strategies in Thomas King’s Short Stories” (Telling Stories: Postcolonial Short Fiction in English. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001), “Written Orality in Thomas King’s Short Fiction” (Journal of the Short Story in English, 47, 2006), “Sub­verting the Master Narrative of Heroic Conquest: Thomas King’s A Coyote Columbus Story (1992)” (Estudios de Filología Inglesa. Madrid: UNED, 2008), “The Politics and Poetics of Thomas King’s Textual Hauntings” (Postcolonial Ghosts. Montpellier: Presses uni­ver­si­taires de la Méditerranée, 2009), and “Sto­ries Are All We Are: Thomas King’s Theory and Practice of Storytelling” (Stories Thru Theories/Theories Thru Stories: Native American Storytelling and Critique. Michigan State UP, 2009).

Lise Guilhamon, after studying at the Ecole nor­male supérieure (Paris) and at the Institut des langues et civil­i­sa­tions ori­en­tales (Institute of Oriental Languages, BA in Hindi), and obtaining the agré­ga­tion in English, is cur­rently teaching at the Université Versailles-St Quentin. She com­pleted her PhD thesis, enti­tled “Po­etics of the Other Tongue in Indian Fiction in English” (“Poé­tiques de la langue autre dans le roman indien d’expres­sion anglaise”), in 2007. In her thesis she exam­ined the way in which Indian authors writing in English attempt to recast the English lan­guage through a pro­cess of inter­lin­guistic fer­til­iza­tion, and explored the idea of lit­er­a­ture as alterity at work within lan­guage. She co-edited La moder­nité lit­téraire indi­enne: per­spec­tives post­colo­niales (2009, Presses uni­ver­si­taires de Rennes) and wrote sev­eral arti­cles for the Dictionnaire des créa­trices, to be pub­lished by the Editions des femmes in 2010. She has also recently written arti­cles on Anita Desai’s In Custody and Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies.

Christian Gutleben is a Professor at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis where he teaches Victorian and con­tem­po­rary lit­er­a­ture. His research focuses on the rela­tion­ships between post­mod­ernism and the past and he has pub­lished on this sub­ject Nostalgic Postmodernism: The Victorian Tradition and the Contemporary British Novel (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2001) and edited with Susana Onega Refracting the Canon in Contemporary British Literature and Film (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2004). In part­ner­ship with Marie-Luise Kohlke from the University of Swansea, he has under­taken to pub­lish a col­lec­tion of studies on neo-Victorianism, the first volume of which Neo-Victorian Tropes of Trauma: The Politics of Bearing After-Witness to Nineteenth-Century Suffering is to be pub­lished by Rodopi by the end of 2010.

John Hutnyk is Professor and Academic Director of the Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths College, author of a number of books including “The Rumour of Calcutta: Tourism, Charity and the Poverty of Representation” (1996 Zed); “Cri­tique of Exotica: Music, Politics and the Culture Industry” (2000 Pluto Press); “Bad Marxism: Capitalism and Cultural Studies” (2004 Pluto), and co-authored with Virinder Kalra and Raminder Kaur: “Di­as­pora and Hybridity” (2005 Sage). Editor of sev­eral vol­umes of essays, including “Dis-Orienting Rhythms: the Politics of the New Asian Dance Music” (1996 Zed, co ed with Sharma and Sharma); edi­tions of the jour­nals ‘Theory, Culture and Society’ and ‘Post-colo­nial Studies’; and of a festschrift for Klaus Peter Koepping called “Cel­e­brating Transgression” (2006 Berghahn, co-ed with Ursula Rao). Writes irreg­ular prose at http://hutnyk.word­press.com

Madhu Krishnan holds an MA from Stanford University and is cur­rently a doc­toral can­di­date at the University of Nottingham in the School of English Studies. Her research exam­ines third-gen­er­a­tion Nigerian novels about the Nigerian Civil War and how these nar­ra­tives both ques­tion and com­pli­cate accepted notions of indi­vidual and com­mu­nity iden­ti­fi­ca­tion within post­colo­nial theory. Madhu’s research inter­ests include nar­ra­tive theory, stylisitics, post­colo­nial theory, exoti­cism, psy­cho­an­a­lytic theory, the appro­pri­a­tion of indige­nous mytho­log­ical forms and the rela­tion­ship of Self and Other in lit­erary nar­ra­tive. Madhu has pre­sented her research at con­fer­ences in North America, Europe and Africa.

Joel Kuortti is Professor of English at the University of Turku, and Adjunct Professor of Contemporary Culture at the University of Jyväskylä. His research is on post-colo­nial theory and trans­la­tion, Indian lit­er­a­ture in English, transna­tional iden­tity, hybridity, and cul­tural studies. His pub­li­ca­tions include The Salman Rushdie Bibliography (Lang, 1997), Place of the Sacred: The Rhetoric of the Satanic Verses Affair (Lang, 1997), Fictions to Live In: Narration as an Argument for Fiction in Salman Rushdie’s Novels (Lang, 1998), Indian Women’s Writing in English: a Bibliography (Rawat, 2002), Tense Past, Tense Present: Women Writing in English (Stree, 2003), Writing Imagined Diasporas: South Asian Women Reshaping North American Identity (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), Reconstructing Hybridity: Post-colo­nial Studies in Transition (ed. with J. Nyman) (Rodopi, 2007).

Florence Labaune-Demeule is a Senior Lecturer at Jean Moulin University in Lyon, France. Her fields of interest are Caribbean and Indian Anglophone lit­er­a­tures and nar­ra­tology. Her research focuses more par­tic­u­larly on V.S. Naipaul’s fic­tional works. In addi­tion to sev­eral arti­cles devoted to the writ­ings of J. Rhys, D. Walcott , E. Danticat, A. Roy and A. Desai, she edited a col­lec­tion of essays on cel­e­bra­tion in English-speaking coun­tries in 2006, and in 2007 pub­lished a mono­graph on V.S. Naipaul, enti­tled V.S. Naipaul, L’énigme de l’arrivée. L’éducation d’un point de vue. In December 2008 she organ­ised an inter­na­tional con­fer­ence on V.S. Naipaul, and edited the cor­re­sponding volume of arti­cles, pub­lished under the title V.S. Naipaul : écriture de l’altérité, altérité de l’écriture (Paris: Michel Houdiard, 2010).

Monica Latham is a Senior Lecturer in British Literature at Nancy-Université. She is a spe­cialist of Virginia Woolf and genetic crit­i­cism. Her pub­lished work also includes studies of mod­ernist and post-mod­ernist British lit­er­a­ture. She has also co-edited two col­lec­tions of essays: Left Out: Texts and Ur-Texts (Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2009) and The Lives of the Book: Past, Present and to Come (Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2010).

Claude Le Fustec is a Senior Lecturer in (Afro-)American Literature at Rennes 2 University (France) and has con­ducted research ori­ented by her interest in the con­nec­tion between lit­er­a­ture and spir­i­tu­ality. Her pub­li­ca­tions include a monog­raphy on Toni Cade Bambara (Toni Cade Bambara : entre mil­i­tan­tisme et fic­tion, Paris, Belin, 2003), a volume on Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath (Claude Le Fustec, (ed.), Lectures de Steinbeck, Les raisins de la colère, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007) as well as one dealing with gender in the lit­er­a­ture and the arts of the English speaking world (Claude Le Fustec and Sophie Marret, (eds), La fab­rique du genre, (dé)con­struc­tions du féminin et du mas­culin dans les arts et la lit­téra­ture anglo­phones, PUR, 2008). She is cur­rently involved in a joint pro­ject on “The Bible and Literature” and is also plan­ning an inter­na­tional con­fer­ence enti­tled “Trans­dis­ci­plinary Approaches to Spirituality in the arts and sciences : the­o­rizing the spir­i­tual?” to be held in Nice in June 2011.

Deborah L. Madsen is Professor of American Literature and Culture at the University of Geneva. She works pri­marily in the field of Postcolonial American Studies, with a focus on issues of national rhetoric and cul­tural transna­tion­alism. Her pub­li­ca­tions include Allegory in America: From Puritanism to Postmodernism (1996), American Exceptionalism (1998), Post-Colonial Literatures: Expanding the Canon (ed. 1999), Beyond the Borders: American Literature and Post-Colonial Theory (ed. 2003), Diasporic Histories: Archives of Chinese Transnationalism (co-ed. 2009), ) and Native Authenticity: Transatlantic Approaches to Native American Literature (ed. 2010).

Sarga Moussa, an Egyptian at his birth in Geneva in 1960, became a Franco-Swiss, and has lived in Paris since 1993. He is the director of a research unit within the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), and he spe­cial­izes in the study of lit­erary Orientalism and of 19th cen­tury travel lit­er­a­ture. He is the director of the LIRE unit, and as such works more par­tic­u­larly on cul­tural alterity. His themes of predilec­tion are the Orient in French lit­er­a­ture, the pro­gres­sive and indus­tri­alist doc­trines of Saint-Simon, the the­o­ri­sa­tions of racialism, slavery. He has taught in sev­eral uni­ver­si­ties, in France and abroad (Switzerland, Germany, Lebanon), and he is a co-director of a monthly research sem­inar at the École Normale Supérieure in the rue d’Ulm, Paris, enti­tled: “Forms of Orientalism: the­o­ries, rep­re­sen­ta­tions, cul­tural exchanges from 1750 to the pre­sent times”. His main pub­li­ca­tions include La Relation ori­en­tale (Klincksieck, 1995), Lamartine, Voyage en Orient, édition établie, présentée et annotée (Champion, 2000), Le voyage en Égypte (Laffont, « Bouquins », 2004), L’Orientalisme des saint-simoniens (dir., avec Michel Levallois, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2006), Le Mythe des Bohémiens dans la lit­téra­ture et les arts en Europe (dir., L’Harmattan, « Histoire des sciences humaines », 2008).

Jopi Nyman is Professor of English at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu, Finland. He is the author and editor of more than ten mono­graphs and essay col­lec­tions. His most recent books include the mono­graph Home, Identity, and Mobility in Contemporary Diasporic Fiction (Rodopi 2009) and, co-edited with Joel Kuortti, the col­lec­tion Reconstructing Hybridity: Post-Colonial Studies in Transition (Rodopi 2007).

Daniel-Henri Pageaux is an emer­itus Professor at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris (University of Paris III) where he used to teach gen­eral and com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture, and more specif­i­cally Spanish and fran­co­phone lit­er­a­tures. He is a co-editor of the Revue de Littérature com­parée and a cor­re­spon­dent of the Science Academy in Lisbon. His latest pub­li­ca­tions include Le sémi­naire de ‘Aïn Chams : une intro­duc­tion à la lit­téra­ture générale et com­parée (L’Harmattan, 2008) and L’œil en main : Pour une poé­tique de la médi­a­tion (Ed. Jean Maisonneuve, 2009).

Yolaine Parisot is senior lec­turer in com­par­a­tive and fran­co­phone lit­er­a­ture at the University of Rennes 2 and a member of the lab­o­ra­tory PREFics – EA 3207. She wrote her PhD Dissertation on the Haitian con­tem­po­rary novel. She is now going on with a research about post­colo­nial lit­er­a­ture, par­tic­u­larly from the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean. She is inter­ested in the rela­tion­ships between lit­er­a­ture and imme­diate his­tory as well as in the ques­tion of the epis­te­mo­log­ical vio­lence. In addi­tion to numerous papers, she is a co-editor of Caraïbe, ocean Indien : ques­tions d’his­toire (L’Harmattan, 2009).

Sneharika Roy is a first-year doc­toral stu­dent studying under the joint super­vi­sion of Professor Marta Dvorak (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3) and Professor Neil Ten Kortenaar (University of Toronto). After a B.A. in English Literature and an M.A. in French Literature at the University of Mumbai, she won a schol­ar­ship spon­sored by the French gov­ern­ment to pursue a second Master’s in Comparative Literature at the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. As a Master’s stu­dent, her article on Arvind Adiga’s The White Tiger as a neo-colo­nial parable was pub­lished in Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 2009. Her thesis is a cross-cul­tural study of the con­tem­po­rary epic rewrit­ings of Shashi Tharoor, Derek Walcott and Margaret Atwood. Her areas of interest include the drama­ti­za­tion of the epic tra­di­tion through bardic fig­ures and the thema­ti­za­tion of its recep­tion by con­tem­po­rary readers, issues she con­tinues to explore in papers given at inter­na­tional con­fer­ences.

Ebrahim Salimikouchi was born in 1982 in Fars. He studied math­e­matics at high school and after­wards taught the nomad chil­dren. He studied French lan­guage and lit­er­a­ture and gained a B.A. and M.A.. He then con­tinued his edu­ca­tion in com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture. Besides teaching com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture and the soci­ology of lit­er­a­ture at Isfahan University and Azad University, he writes short sto­ries. Since 2009, he has been researcher at The National Center of Human Sciences and also one of the mem­bers of The National Foundation of the Elite.

Michaël Taugis is asso­ciate pro­fessor of American Literature at the University of Poitiers and member of the CEJA (Center for Jewish American Studies) at the University of Paris VII. He has pub­lished sev­eral trans­la­tions including those of two short sto­ries by Bernard Malamud in the lit­erary magazine Caravanes. Since 2003, he has been exploring the forms and func­tions of hybridity in Jewish American lit­er­a­ture and in the works of Asian-American writers, Chang-Rae Lee and Gish Jen. He has recently pub­lished ““The Magic of Mélanges” in Bernard Malamud’s “The Magic Barrel”” (in Les Cahiers du CEJA 2 (Jan. 2007)) and he is cur­rently working on a book on hybridity in con­tem­po­rary cross-cul­tural American fic­tion, com­paring Chang-Rae Lee and Gish Jen’s works with those of Soviet Jewish American writers (in par­tic­ular Gary Shteyngart, David Bezmozgis, and Lara Vapnyar).

Nicole Terrien is an alumna of the École Normale Supérieure. She holds a PhD from the Sorbonne and is cur­rently Professor of English Literature at Rennes 2 University, France. Her cur­rent research focuses on the notion of her­itage, tracing the for­gotten inter­texts pre­sent in Jean Rhys’s fic­tion as well as the influ­ence of Jean Rhys on recent fic­tion, espe­cially on the novels of Jenny Diski. Her recent pub­li­ca­tions include sev­eral arti­cles on the works of Jenny Diski and on the trans­for­ma­tion of cul­tural ele­ments in the writing of mad­ness. She has also ini­ti­ated a series of inter­na­tional con­fer­ences on “Text, Texture, Textiles”; the second con­fer­ence of the series was enti­tled “Em­broi­dery and Storytelling”.

Elise Trogrlic is com­pleting a doc­toral dis­ser­ta­tion on John Edgar Wideman at the Université de Paris-III under the super­vi­sion of Prof. Christine Savinel. A former stu­dent at ENS-Lyon, she teaches American civ­i­liza­tion and lit­er­a­ture at the University of Rouen. She was a Lurcy Fellow in the Department of English at Brown University in 2008-9 and formerly taught at Trinity College, Dublin, and Harvard University. Her research focuses on con­tem­po­rary American fic­tion, African-American writing and cul­ture, inter­tex­tu­ality and nar­ra­tive form.

Héliane Ventura is Professor at the University of Orléans. She has pub­lished a mono­graph on Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and co-directed sev­eral vol­umes of essays on Canadian lit­er­a­ture. She has written exten­sively on Alice Munro but also on Robert Kroetsch, Timothy Findley, Jack Hodgins, Lola Lemire Tostevin, Dionne Brand, Carol Shields, Eden Robinson, Sheila Watson or A.S. Byatt and Elizabeth Spencer. Her research inter­ests are focused on the rela­tion­ship between words and images, the resur­gence of myths from Antiquity, and more par­tic­u­larly on the­o­ret­ical close read­ings of the con­tem­po­rary short story in the English speaking world. She has been awarded a Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh for the first semester of 2010 in order to carry out research on the fil­i­a­tion between James Hogg’s bal­lads and mem­oirs and Alice Munro’s short sto­ries.

Jean-Marc Victor, a former stu­dent of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, is asso­ciate pro­fessor at the University of Paris Sorbonne where he teaches lit­er­a­ture, trans­la­tion and image anal­ysis. He has pub­lished var­ious arti­cles on the lit­er­a­ture of the South of the United States (Eudora Welty, Flannery O’Connor) as well as on American pho­tog­raphy (Ralph Eugene Meatyard). He is cur­rently working on a crit­ical study of The Golden Apples by Eudora Welty.

Kerry-Jane Wallart is a lec­turer at Paris IV-Sorbonne. She wrote a dis­ser­ta­tion on the drama of Derek Walcott and has since pub­lished arti­cles on var­ious Caribbean authors (Derek Walcott, Fred D’Aguiar, David Dabydeen, Wilson Harris, Claude McKay, E.K. Brathwaite, Pauline Melville).

David Waterman is Senior Lecturer at the Université de La Rochelle, France, and a member of the research team “Cul­tures et Littératures des Mondes Anglophones” (CLIMAS) at the Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux III, France. His pub­li­ca­tions include Disordered Bodies and Disrupted Borders: Representations of Resistance in Modern British Literature (University Press of America, 1999), Le miroir de la société: la vio­lence insti­tu­tion­nelle chez Anthony Burgess, Doris Lessing et Pat Barker (Longo Editore Ravenna, 2003), Identity in Doris Lessing’s Space Fiction (Cambria Press, 2006), and Pat Barker and the Mediation of Social Reality (Cambria Press, 2009). He is cur­rently working on Pakistani lit­er­a­ture in English, and serves as the Book Review Editor for Pakistaniaat.

Eileen Williams-Wanquet is Professor of English lit­er­a­ture at the University of La Réunion (France). She is the author of a mono­graph on the novels of Anita Brookner : Art and Life in the Novels of Anita Brookner (Peter Lang, 2004) and the editor of two col­lec­tions of essays, on re-writing and on rep­e­ti­tion. She has spe­cialised in con­tem­po­rary English lit­er­a­ture, focussing on the fol­lowing themes: re-writing, the “turn to ethics in lit­er­a­ture,” lit­er­a­ture and pol­i­tics, the chal­lenge to History and to a binary way of thinking. She has pub­lished twenty-seven arti­cles on con­tem­po­rary British fic­tion in French, American and German jour­nals, notably on the novels of Marina Warner, Michèle Roberts, Penelope Lively, Jeannette Winterson, Lindsey Collen, Jean Rhys, and Emma Tennant. She is cur­rently working on the notion of “postre­alism” in English lit­er­a­ture, on “re-writing moder­nity” in the lit­er­a­ture of the Indian Ocean, and on the links between “post-mod­ernist”, “post-colo­nial” and “post-fem­i­nist” lit­er­a­ture.

Laetitia Zecchini is working as a researcher at the CNRS in Paris. She is co-editor of La moder­nité lit­téraire indi­enne : Perspectives post­colo­niales (Rennes: PUR, 2009) and has pub­lished var­ious arti­cles on con­tem­po­rary Indian poetry and on post­colo­nial theory. Her research focuses on the pol­i­tics of poetics, on strangeness and estrange­ment in Indian writing, on the lit­er­a­ture of the Dalits, on the recep­tion of post­colo­nial studies in France. She has co-trans­lated the poet Kedarnath Singh into French and is cur­rently trans­lating the poet Arun Kolatkar who will be the sub­ject of a forth­coming book.

Tania Zulli is Lecturer of English at the University of Roma Tre. Her pre­sent studies con­cern the post-colo­nial novel and nine­teenth-cen­tury colo­nial lit­er­a­ture. She has pub­lished exten­sively on nine­teenth and twen­tieth-cen­tury writers. She is the author of a mono­graph on Nadine Gordimer (2005) and the editor of a col­lec­tion of essays on Rider Haggard’s She (2009). A volume on colo­nial fic­tion in the late Victorian Age is forth­coming. She is coor­di­nator of the edi­to­rial staff of Merope, a journal of the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies of Pescara University.