

Scientific com­mittee

Vanessa Guignery is Professor of English and Post-colo­nial Literature at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon and a member of the research team LIRE. She is the author of sev­eral books and essays on the work of Julian Barnes, including The Fiction of Julian Barnes (Macmillan, 2006), and Conversations with Julian Barnes (Mississippi Press, 2009), co-edited with Ryan Roberts. She has pub­lished arti­cles on var­ious British and Indian con­tem­po­rary authors, as well as a mono­graph on B.S. Johnson, This is not Fiction. The True Novels of B.S. Johnson (Sorbonne UP, 2009). She edited sev­eral col­lec­tions of essays on con­tem­po­rary British and post-colo­nial lit­er­a­ture including (Re)map­ping London (Publibook, 2008), Voices and Silence (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009) and a spe­cial issue of the Journal of American, British and Canadian Studies on Julian Barnes (Sibiu, 2009).



Catherine Pesso-Miquel is cur­rently a Professor of English Literature at the University of Lyon 2 and a member of the research team LIRE. Her research focuses on the con­tem­po­rary novel and on travel lit­er­a­ture, exploring ques­tions of nar­ra­tology, inter­tex­tu­ality, post­colo­nialism, and prob­lem­atics linked to iden­tity and fem­i­nism. She has pub­lished books and arti­cles on American nov­el­ists (Willa Cather and Paul Auster), British nov­el­ists (Graham Swift in par­tic­ular) and Indo-Anglian authors. She pub­lished a monog­raphy on Paul Auster in 1996 (Toiles trouées et désert lunaires dans Moon Palace de Paul Auster, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle), Willa Cather in 2001 (Alexander’s Bridge, de Willa Cather, Éditions du Temps), Salman Rushdie in 2007 (Salman Rushdie, l’écriture trans­portée, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux) and on Anita Desai in 2008 ((In Custody de Anita Desai, Atlande).



François Specq is Professor of American Literature and Culture at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Université de Lyon, France) and a researcher affil­i­ated with LIRE-SEMA (CNRS UMR 5611). He is the author of Transcendence: Seers and Seekers in the Age of Thoreau and has pub­lished trans­la­tions and crit­ical studies of works by Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Herman Melville and Frederick Douglass.



Organising com­mittee

Vanessa Guignery vanes­saguign­ery@wanadoo.fr

Catherine Pesso-Miquel catherine.pesso.miquel@univ-lyon2.fr

François Specq fran­cois.spec­q@ens-lyon.fr

Isabelle Baudino is Senior Lecturer at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and a researcher affil­i­ated with LIRE-SEMA. Her main line of studies is the artistic and cul­tural his­tory of eigh­teenth-cen­tury Britain. Her research focuses on painting and painters exploring ques­tions of art soci­ology, cul­tural trans­fers and exchanges as well as art insti­tu­tions. She has pub­lished arti­cles on his­tory painting, gar­dens and land­scape as well as on the Royal Academy of Arts in London. She has directed together with Jacques Carré and Frédéric Ogée a volume on the foun­da­tion of the Royal Academy of Arts in London (Armand Colin, 2004) and with Frédéric Ogée the first modern edi­tion of Jonathan Richardson’s var­ious Essays (ÉNSB-A, 2008). She is cur­rently preparing the latest issue of the review Lumières on the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of races in the 18th cen­tury. ibaudi­no@o­r­ange.fr

Laure Gardelle is Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Université de Lyon, France). Her main research inter­ests are in pronom­inal gender in modern English and more gen­er­ally pro­nouns, ref­er­ence and anaphora. She has pub­lished var­ious arti­cles on those topics, mainly within utterer-cen­tred and cog­ni­tive frame­works.



Lacy Rumsey is Senior Lecturer in British and American Literature at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. He has pub­lished many arti­cles on twen­tieth-cen­tury poetry, with a par­tic­ular focus on the anal­ysis of rhythm. In 2009, he organ­ised the con­fer­ence “Rhythm in Twentieth-Century British Poetry” at ENS Lyon; the acts are to appear later this year. He is also ENS Lyon’s Associate Director of International Strategy.

