
guest speaker


Abha Dawesar

Abha Dawesar is the author of four crit­i­cally acclaimed novels: Family Values (2009), That Summer in Paris (2006), Babyji (2005) and Miniplanner (2000). Babyji was short-listed in France for Le Prix Médicis Roman Étranger and for Le Prix Bel Ami in 2006-2007. Family Values was short-listed for the Prix Médicis Etranger, the Prix Femina, and the Prix RFI témoin du monde. Abha Dawesar is the recip­ient of numerous honours including the American Library Association’s Stonewall Award for 2006 as well as a Lambda Literary Award for 2005. Abha Dawesar is also a self-taught visual artist and video-maker. She has had exhi­bi­tions in New York, Japan, Hungary, Slovakia and Mexico. Her exper­i­mental short films on youtube include A Marcel Duchamp moment and two brief reportages Raju-Biscuit Maker and Urban Ecosystem-The Life of a Delhi Monkey. She is cur­rently working on a longer film about the prox­imity of living with mon­keys, an unin­tended off­shoot of defor­esta­tion in the envi­rons of Delhi.
